Yeah, we know. This sounds like one of those ‘eco’ things we throw on our website to make you buy from us.
The thing is, being ‘certified to break down’ is actually supposed to mean something.
You see, there’s a worldwide organization, the ‘TUV’ (Technischer Überwachungsverein) that runs technical testing on products. Testing to determine whether they actually comply with the ‘eco’ requirements to be TUV certified.
This certification proves that there is no micro-plastic in the product, and that it will entirely break down the way it says it will (kind of like us after every minor inconvenience).
A product that’s advertised as being TUV certified, should have a TUV ID number to go with it Bioglitter™ is SO933.
We just wanted to make sure you know that when we say Bioglitter™ will break down, that’s exactly what it will do. When mother nature takes Bioglitter™ sparkles and uses them to do her make up, you can rest assured that they’re going to a safe place.
Want to get into some more nitty gritty and the science behind it?
Keep on reading .......

TÜV, Austria, ‘OK biodegradable WATER’ Certification
Products certified for OK biodegradable WATER are GUARANTEED by TÜV to biodegrade in natural, freshwater environments and thus substantially contribute to the reduction of waste in rivers, lakes or any natural freshwater.
This is the highest level of independent certification for fresh water biodegradability in the world.
Criteria required to be satisfied to be awarded OK biodegradable WATER certification status:-
1 Biodegradation
- Passes Fresh Water Biodegradability testing
- Tested to ISO14851 and ISO14852 Fresh Water Biodegradability testing standard
- Achieves >90% biodegradability vs control (microcrystalline cellulose) in <56 days
- Triplicate testing to certification testing protocol
- Meets the biodegradability requirements of EN14987
- Tested conducted by an ISO17025 approved laboratory
- TÜV verification of testing standard, testing protocol, test data and approved test lab status
2 Ecotoxicity
- Passes Aquatic Ecotoxicity Analysis
- TÜV verification of product data, source of data and that data meet ecotoxicity requirements
September 10, 2021
The Glitter Tribe
Fredericksmith carter said:
Nothing is happening
Frederick said:
Frederick smith carter said:
Whats happening